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How to connect two computers without any software

Hi guys it is my first post for help40.blogspot.com. I always try to give you update different help information from me. So let’s stay with me and know more about world’s first solution for our daily life. You can find here about Facebook, Twitter, Google, SEO Optimization, Computer and all about “INTERNET”.
By the way today I describe How to connect two computers without any software. 

You feel happy to know that you don’t need to have any software for this process. Only you need two simple things.
>>>Let’s go with me-
Necessary equipment:
1. Computer
2. Lan Cable
Step-1: Connect your two computers with Lan Cable.
Step-2: Now open “run” by press win+R key. Write ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
Step-3: now move mouse cursor on ‘Local Area Connection’ or ‘Ethernet’ ,press right mouse key, then click on ‘properties’
Step-4: now double click on ‘internet protocol version’ > you see a pop-up window, in that you click on ‘use the following ip’
>>>Now decorate on your computer this setting__
ip-address :
>>>Go to another computer and follow 1 to 4 steps.
>>>Now decorate another computer this setting__
ip-address :
…….and finally press ok
Step-5: now you can test this connection between two computer by>>>
>open cmd >write ‘ping –t’ >press enter, If you see the message ‘Riply From : bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64’ you feel that you are success.
Step-6: move the cursor in my computer right click on  mouse and click on properties >click on change setting >click on Remote tab >click on ‘Allow Remote Assistance Connections to the Computer’ and press apply. >>Do this on another computer<<
Step-7: win+R> write mstsc press ok.
>>>Now put another computers name or ip-address and press connect.
Then you see that computers screen in your pc. You control this as your wish.
>>>>>That’s end of my post. Thanks for read carefully this article on How to connect two computers without any software.